Evaluate the expression at specific values of their variables.(1 point)

Evaluate j2 − 3k + j, when j = 6 and k = 10

To evaluate the expression j2 − 3k + j when j = 6 and k = 10, substitute the given values into the expression:

(6)2 − 3(10) + 6

= 36 - 30 + 6

= 6

Therefore, when j = 6 and k = 10, the expression j2 − 3k + j equals 6.

u sure

Apologies for the mistake in my previous response. Let's re-evaluate the expression correctly.

The expression j^2 − 3k + j can be evaluated as follows:

j = 6
k = 10

(6)^2 − 3(10) + 6

= 36 - 30 + 6

= 42 - 30

= 12

Therefore, when j = 6 and k = 10, the expression j^2 − 3k + j equals 12.