what is the main goal of signs on a store's exterior

to identify the store at a glance
to chnge displays often enought to keep shopper attention
to highlight the most profitable products
to use themes that send a clear message

The main goal of signs on a store's exterior is to identify the store at a glance.

The main goal of signs on a store's exterior is to identify the store at a glance.

The main goal of signs on a store's exterior is to identify the store at a glance. Signs serve as visual cues that help potential customers recognize and locate the store easily. However, it's important to note that different stores may have additional goals when it comes to their exterior signs.

To find the main goal of signs on a store's exterior, you can start by considering the purpose of signage in general. One way to determine this is by conducting research or looking at industry standards and best practices. You can also refer to marketing and branding principles, which often emphasize the importance of making a strong visual impact and creating brand awareness through exterior signage. Additionally, analyzing the behavior and preferences of the target customers of the store can provide insights into what kind of signs are most effective. Overall, understanding the main goal of store exterior signs requires considering the context, industry, and specific objectives of the store.