Store A:


Store B:

the proportional relationships between the cost and the number of gallons of gasoline for store a and store b are displayed in the graph and table. which store has the better buy for a gallon of gasoline?

To determine which store has the better buy for a gallon of gasoline, we can compare the cost per gallon for both stores.

For Store A, the cost per gallon can be calculated as follows:
- For 5 gallons: cost per gallon = 20/5 = $4/gallon
- For 10 gallons: cost per gallon = 40/10 = $4/gallon
- For 15 gallons: cost per gallon = 60/15 = $4/gallon

For Store B, the cost per gallon can be calculated as follows:
- For 5 gallons: cost per gallon = 18.75/5 = $3.75/gallon
- For 10 gallons: cost per gallon = 37.50/10 = $3.75/gallon
- For 15 gallons: cost per gallon = 56.25/15 = $3.75/gallon

From the calculations above, we can see that both stores have the same cost per gallon, which is $4/gallon for Store A and $3.75/gallon for Store B.

Therefore, Store B has the better buy for a gallon of gasoline as it is cheaper by $0.25 per gallon compared to Store A.

Player 1:

5 games|150 points

the average basketball points per game for player 1 are displayed in the chart. player 2's average points per game are represented by the equation y = 35x. which player had the highest average points per game?

To determine which player had the highest average points per game, we need to compare the averages for both players.

For Player 1, the average points per game can be calculated as follows:
- Average points per game = 150 points / 5 games = 30 points/game

For Player 2, the average points per game is represented by the equation y = 35x, where x is the number of games played. To find the average points per game, we need to substitute the number of games played for x in the equation.
- For 5 games: y = 35 * 5 = 175 points

From the calculations above, we can see that Player 2 has the highest average points per game. Player 2 has an average of 175 points per game, while Player 1 has an average of 30 points per game. Therefore, Player 2 had the highest average points per game.

To determine which store has the better buy for a gallon of gasoline, we can compare the cost per gallon at each store. Let's calculate the cost per gallon for both stores:

Store A:
Cost for 5 gallons = $20
Cost per gallon = $20/5 = $4

Store B:
Cost for 5 gallons = $18.75
Cost per gallon = $18.75/5 = $3.75

Comparing the cost per gallon, we can see that Store B offers a better buy for a gallon of gasoline, as it costs $3.75 compared to $4 at Store A.

To determine which store has the better buy for a gallon of gasoline, we need to compare the prices of gasoline at Store A and Store B.

Looking at the table, we can see that at both stores, the price of gasoline increases as the number of gallons increases.

For Store A, the price per gallon of gasoline can be calculated by dividing the cost by the number of gallons. For example, for the first row in the table, the price per gallon is 20/5 = 4.

Similarly, for Store B, we can calculate the price per gallon by dividing the cost by the number of gallons. For example, for the first row in Store B, the price per gallon is 18.75/5 = 3.75.

To compare the prices per gallon at both stores, we can look at the calculated values:

Store A:
5 gallons -> $4 per gallon
10 gallons -> $4 per gallon
15 gallons -> $4 per gallon

Store B:
5 gallons -> $3.75 per gallon
10 gallons -> $3.75 per gallon
15 gallons -> $3.75 per gallon

From the calculations, we can see that the price per gallon is the same for all quantities at Store A, and it is $4. On the other hand, at Store B, the price per gallon is consistently lower at $3.75 for all quantities.

Therefore, Store B has the better buy for a gallon of gasoline as it offers a lower price per gallon compared to Store A.