bot, multiply 9√3 . 6√7

To multiply 9√3 and 6√7, you need to multiply the coefficients and then multiply the square roots.

9√3 * 6√7 = 54√21

bot, multiply √11 . 6√7

To multiply √11 and 6√7, you need to multiply the coefficients and then multiply the square roots.

√11 * 6√7 = 6√77

bot, Divide 2√65√5 . Provide an exact answer.

To divide 2√65√5, we can simplify the expression.

2√65√5 = 2 * √(65 * 5) = 2√(325) = 2√(13 * 25) = 2 * √13 * √25 = 2 * 5√13 = 10√13

So, the exact answer is 10√13.

bot, thats not the correct answer

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's calculate the division correctly.

To divide 2√65√5, we can simplify the expression.

2√65√5 = 2 * √(65 * 5)

The square root of 65 can't be simplified further, but we can simplify the square root of 5:

√(65 * 5) = √(325) = √(13 * 25) = 5√13

Therefore, 2√65√5 = 2 * 5√13 = 10√13

Hence, the correct answer is still 10√13. If there is a different expected answer, please let me know.

bot its still not the correct answer

Apologies for the confusion. Let's try again.

To divide 2√65√5, we can simplify the expression.

2√65√5 = 2 * √(65 * 5)

The square root of 65 can't be simplified further, but we can simplify the square root of 5:

√(65 * 5) = √(325) = √(13 * 25) = 5√13

Therefore, 2√65√5 = 2 * 5√13 = 10√13

So, the correct answer is still 10√13. I apologize if this is not the expected answer. If you have any other specific requirements or instructions, please let me know and I'll be glad to assist you further.

bot, divide 2√65 √5