Multiply 37 by 910

Multiply 3/7 by 9/10
Multiply Fractions & Decimals Practice

Answers that are actually right:
-1 1/3

Yeah gl.

Just to let you guys know the ai isn't really spitting facts 🤑

I apologize if there was any confusion or if the answers provided were not what you expected. As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate information and help to the best of my abilities. If you have any specific concerns or questions, please let me know and I'll do my best to assist you.

To multiply 37 by 910, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the two numbers you want to multiply: 37 and 910.

Step 2: Multiply the ones digit of the first number (7) by the second number (910). This gives you 7 multiplied by 910, which is 6370.

Step 3: Multiply the tens digit of the first number (3) by the second number (910). This gives you 3 multiplied by 910, which is 2730. Remember to add a zero at the end since you're multiplying by a tens digit.

Step 4: Finally, add the two products from steps 2 and 3: 6370 + 2730 = 9100.

Therefore, 37 multiplied by 910 equals 9100.

To multiply 3/7 by 9/10, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the two fractions you want to multiply: 3/7 and 9/10.

Step 2: Multiply the numerators (top numbers) together: 3 * 9 = 27.

Step 3: Multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) together: 7 * 10 = 70.

Step 4: Write the product of the numerators and denominators as a new fraction: 27/70.

Therefore, 3/7 multiplied by 9/10 equals 27/70.

As for the practice problems you mentioned, it seems that you listed some answers. However, without the specific multiplication problems provided, I am unable to guide you step-by-step. If you provide the relevant multiplication problems, I can assist you further.

To calculate the product of 37 and 910, simply multiply the two numbers together. So, 37 multiplied by 910 equals 33,470.

Now, let's move on to multiplying fractions. To multiply the fractions 3/7 and 9/10, multiply the numerators (the top numbers) together to get the new numerator, and multiply the denominators (the bottom numbers) together to get the new denominator.

3/7 * 9/10 = (3 * 9) / (7 * 10) = 27/70.

Next, let's address multiplying fractions and decimals. I'm assuming you want to practice multiplying fractions with decimals involved. Without specific numbers, it's difficult to provide exact answers, but I can guide you through the process.

To multiply a fraction and a decimal, first convert the decimal into a fraction by placing the decimal value over 1 followed by as many zeros as there are digits after the decimal point. Then, proceed with the same technique mentioned earlier for multiplying fractions.

For example, if you have the fraction 5/6 multiplied by the decimal 1.92, you can convert 1.92 into a fraction.

1.92 can be written as 1.92/1, or any equivalent fraction like 192/100.

Then, multiply the numerator of the original fraction (5) by the numerator of the decimal fraction (192), and multiply the denominators (6 and 100). Reduce or simplify the fraction if possible.

However, without the specific examples you mentioned, it's challenging to provide the accurate answers you're looking for. Make sure to include all the necessary numbers and operations in your question.

Good luck with your practice!

To multiply 37 by 910, you would simply multiply the two numbers together:

37 * 910 = 33,470

To multiply 3/7 by 9/10, you multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

3/7 * 9/10 = (3 * 9) / (7 * 10) = 27/70

It seems you have already calculated the following products:


If you need further assistance or have any other questions, please let me know.