Where is the part of speech located in a dictionary entry?(1 point)


before the entry word
before the entry word

in the numbered definitions that follow the entry word
in the numbered definitions that follow the entry word

in parentheses after the entry word
in parentheses after the entry word

after the pronunciation

after the pronunciation

Which of the following describes a stressed syllable?(1 point)


the part of a word pronounced with force 
the part of a word pronounced with force 

the root word 
the root word 

the first letter of a word
the first letter of a word

the part of a word that is silent 

the part of a word pronounced with force

(1 point) The part of speech is located in parentheses after the entry word in a dictionary entry.

The part of speech is typically located in one of three places in a dictionary entry:

1. Before the entry word: This is the most common placement, where the part of speech is listed before the word itself. For example, if you look up the word "run," you might see "verb" listed before the definition.

2. In the numbered definitions that follow the entry word: Sometimes, the part of speech is not explicitly labeled, but it can be inferred from the definition itself. For instance, if you look up the word "dog," one of the definitions might be "a domesticated carnivorous mammal," indicating that it is a noun.

3. In parentheses after the entry word: In some dictionaries, particularly smaller ones or those designed for language learners, the part of speech may be placed in parentheses after the word. For example, you might see "run (noun)" or "run (verb)" listed in this format.

Finally, it's worth noting that the pronunciation is typically provided separately in a dictionary entry, usually after the word and before the definition or meaning.