Use the dictionary entry to answer the question.

hide-put out of sight

smash-to crush

tear- to pull apart

touch-come in contact with

Based on the definition entry, which word would best replace hit in the sentence?

Charlie will hit the clay until it is flat.

(1 point)




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Well, Charlie is certainly not going to tear the clay until it is flat, because tearing involves pulling apart, not flattening. And he's not going to touch it until it is flat either, because touching involves coming in contact with something, not changing its shape. And hiding the clay won't do anything to flatten it either. So, the word that best replaces "hit" in the sentence would be "smash." Charlie will smash the clay until it is flat. Just be careful not to make a mess!

Based on the definition entry, the word "smash" would best replace "hit" in the sentence.

To determine which word would best replace "hit" in the given sentence, we can look at the definitions of the words provided in the dictionary entry.

The definition of "hit" is not provided, so we'll need to make an inference based on the other listed words.

Out of the given options, "smash" would be the best replacement for "hit" in the sentence. "Smash" has a similar meaning of forcefully impacting or striking something, which aligns with the action of hitting the clay until it is flat.