Paige found the area of a pound, but her final answer came out as 72,000 inches squared. She wants to convert the answer to a more appropriate unit and quantity. Which answer choice should she use to express her final solution?





Paige should use the answer choice "500ft²" to express her final solution.

To convert the answer from square inches to a more appropriate unit, we need to consider the conversion factors. We know that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches, and 1 mile is equal to 5280 feet.

First, let's convert the area from square inches to square feet. We divide the given area by the conversion factor:

72,000 inches squared / (12 inches per foot) = 6000 feet squared.

Next, let's convert from square feet to square miles. We divide the area in square feet by the conversion factor:

6000 feet squared / (5280 feet per mile) = 1.136 miles squared (rounded to three decimal places).

Therefore, the correct answer choice for Paige to express her final solution is:
0.0000179 miles squared.

To convert the area of a pond from square inches to a more appropriate unit, we need to consider the conversion factors between square inches and the given answer choices.

Let's analyze each option:

1. 0.0000179 miles²: To convert square inches to square miles, we first need to convert square inches to square feet, then square feet to square miles. However, this answer choice seems to be incorrect since it is a very small value.

2. 500 ft²: This option suggests converting square inches to square feet. We can use this conversion since 1 square foot is equal to 144 square inches (12 inches * 12 inches).

3. 0.0000465 km²: This answer choice proposes converting square inches to square kilometers, but this seems unlikely given the small initial value.

4. 500 feet: This option suggests not converting the units, but rather expressing the area in square feet.

Considering the given values, the most appropriate answer choice for Paige to express her solution would be 500 ft², as it directly converts square inches to square feet, which is a more common unit for measuring areas.