Which part of a dictionary entry can help readers determine if a definition is the correct one when there are multiple definitions?

the word's first definition
the word's part of speech
the words pronunciation
the word's example sentences

The word's example sentences can help readers determine if a definition is the correct one when there are multiple definitions.

The part of a dictionary entry that can help readers determine if a definition is the correct one when there are multiple definitions is the word's example sentences. Example sentences provide context and usage of the word in different contexts, making it easier for readers to identify the correct definition that fits the intended meaning.

The part of a dictionary entry that can help readers determine if a definition is the correct one when there are multiple definitions is the word's example sentences.

When there are multiple definitions for a word, each definition is usually followed by example sentences that demonstrate the meaning of the word in context. These example sentences provide clues about how the word is typically used and can help readers choose the correct definition based on the intended meaning or usage. By reading and understanding the example sentences, readers can determine which definition aligns best with the context or situation in which they encountered the word.