find the cubic root of 189

The cubic root of 189 is approximately 5.848.

To find the cubic root of 189, you can use a calculator or follow these steps manually:

1. Start by making an initial guess for the cubic root. Let's start with the value 5.
2. Cube the guess obtained in step 1. In this case, 5^3 = 125.
3. Compare the result of step 2 with the given number. 125 is less than 189.
4. Increment the initial guess by a small value. Let's add 1 to it, making it 6.
5. Cube the new guess. 6^3 = 216.
6. Compare the result of step 5 with the given number. 216 is greater than 189.
7. Decrease the guess by a small value. Let's subtract 0.1 from it, making it 5.9.
8. Cube the new guess. 5.9^3 ≈ 198.92.
9. Compare the result of step 8 with the given number. The result is still greater than 189.
10. Continue these steps (7-9) by decreasing the guess slightly each time until you reach a value that is close to 189 but lower.
11. After a few iterations, you will find that the cubic root of 189 is approximately 5.68.

Therefore, the approximate cubic root of 189 is 5.68.

To find the cubic root of 189, follow these steps:

1. Start by guessing a number for the cubic root of 189. Let's start with 5.

Cubic root of 189 ≈ 5

2. Now, divide 189 by the guessed number.

189 ÷ 5 = 37.8

3. Take the average of the guessed number and the result from the previous step.

(5 + 37.8) ÷ 2 = 21.4

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, refining the guess each time, until you are satisfied with the accuracy.

189 ÷ 21.4 ≈ 8.84
(21.4 + 8.84) ÷ 2 ≈ 15.12
189 ÷ 15.12 ≈ 12.5
(15.12 + 12.5) ÷ 2 ≈ 13.81
189 ÷ 13.81 ≈ 13.69
(13.81 + 13.69) ÷ 2 ≈ 13.75

5. Continue this process until you reach a satisfactory level of accuracy. As you refine your guess, you will notice that the result gets closer to the actual cubic root of 189.

By following this iterative approach, you will find that the cubic root of 189 is approximately 13.75.

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