What landform might be created by the processes of erosion and weathering?(1 point)


a barrier island
a barrier island

a beach
a beach

a mountain
a mountain

a cliff

a cliff

A cliff.

The landform that might be created by the processes of erosion and weathering is a "cliff".

Erosion and weathering are natural processes that change the Earth's surface over time. Erosion is the gradual wearing away of land by wind, water, or ice, while weathering refers to the breakdown and decomposition of rocks and minerals on the Earth's surface. These processes can shape and sculpt the land, creating various landforms.

A cliff is a vertical or near-vertical rock exposure that is formed when erosion and weathering act on rock layers. Over time, the forces of wind, water, and other agents wear away the softer rock layers, leaving behind a steep, rugged cliff face. Cliffs can be found in various locations such as coastlines, riverbanks, and mountains.

Therefore, based on the processes of erosion and weathering, a cliff is a landform that can be created.