What landform might be created by the processes of erosion and weathering? (1 point)

a beach

a mountain

a barrier island

a cliff

a cliff

What program of a nation, state, or other region counts the population and usually provides its characteristics, such as distribution of age and gender? (1 point)

O The World Bank

O population density


O regionalization


A cliff might be created by the processes of erosion and weathering.

The landform that might be created by the processes of erosion and weathering is a cliff. To understand why a cliff is the correct answer, let's break down the question.

Erosion refers to the gradual wearing away of the Earth's surface through various processes such as water, wind, or ice. It can involve the removal of materials like soil or rock from one area and their deposition in another.

Weathering, on the other hand, is the breakdown of rocks, typically caused by exposure to elements like water, temperature changes, or chemical reactions. Weathering can lead to the disintegration or weakening of rock formations.

When erosion and weathering act together over time, they can shape and transform the Earth's surface. In the case of a cliff, erosion and weathering work in tandem. Weathering weakens the rock, making it more susceptible to erosion, while erosion actually removes the materials, causing the slope or wall to become steeper and forming a cliff.

A beach, on the other hand, is typically formed by the deposition of sediment like sand along a shoreline. Mountains are formed by tectonic forces like the collision of continental plates or volcanic activity. Finally, a barrier island is a long, narrow, offshore sandbar parallel to the mainland, usually formed by wave action.

Therefore, out of the given options, a cliff is the landform that is most likely to be created by the processes of erosion and weathering.