Use the table to answer the question.

6th-Grade Average Total of Students
100–90 32
89–80 65
79–70 27
What is the part-to-part ratio for the 6th-grade averages of 100–90 to 89–80 written using a colon?

(1 point)
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ya sure?

Apologies for the confusion. The correct part-to-part ratio for the 6th-grade averages of 100–90 to 89–80 is 32:65.

Use the table to answer the question.

6th-Grade Average Total of Students
100–90 32
89–80 65
79–70 27
What is the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th-grade average of 79–70? Give your answer using a colon.

(1 point)


check again

Apologies for the mistake. The correct part-to-whole ratio for the 6th-grade average of 79-70 would be 27:(32+65+27).


Apologies again for the confusion. The correct part-to-whole ratio for the 6th-grade average of 79-70 is 27:(32+65+27+53), where 53 represents the total number of students in the 6th-grade average range of 79-70.

Use the table to answer the question.

6th-Grade Average Total of Students
100–90 32
89–80 65
79–70 27
What is the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th-grade average of 79–70? Give your answer using a colon.

(1 point)
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