Use the table to answer the question.

6th-Grade Average Total of Students
100–90 32
89–80 65
79–70 27
What is the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th-grade average of 79–70? Give your answer using a colon.

(1 point)


To find the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th-grade average of 79-70, we need to divide the number of students in the 79-70 range by the total number of students in all ranges.

The number of students in the 79-70 range is 27.

The total number of students in all ranges is 32 + 65 + 27 = 124.

Therefore, the part-to-whole ratio is 27:124.

To find the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th-grade average of 79-70, we need to determine the part (number of students in the 79-70 range) in relation to the whole (total number of students).

First, let's add up the total number of students in the 79-70 range:

79-70 Range: 27 students

Next, let's determine the total number of students in all the ranges:

Total number of students: 32 + 65 + 27 = 124 students

Now, we can calculate the part-to-whole ratio by expressing the part and the whole using a colon (:) to separate them:



So, the part-to-whole ratio for the 6th-grade average of 79-70 is 27:124.