What is the number 5.1×107 written in decimal notation?(1 point)

The number 5.1 × 107 written in decimal notation is 51,000,000.

What is the number 6.3×10−4 written in decimal notation?

The number 6.3 × 10^(-4) written in decimal notation is 0.00063.

A wasp’s stinger has an average length of 2.67×10−3 meter long. What is this length in decimal notation?(1 point)

The length of a wasp's stinger, 2.67 × 10^(-3) meter long, in decimal notation is 0.00267 meters.

Write 0.000456 in scientific notation.(1 point)

The number 0.000456 can be written in scientific notation as 4.56 × 10^(-4).

Country S has 12,345,000 residents who tested positive for COVID-19. What is the largest place value of the numeric part of this quantity?(1 point)

The largest place value of the numeric part of 12,345,000 is the millions place.
