There are about 1.6×103

meters in a mile. About how many miles are there in 3.52×107
meters? Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.(1 point)

To find the number of miles in 3.52×107 meters, we need to divide 3.52×107 by 1.6×103:

(3.52×107)/(1.6×103) = 2.2×104

Therefore, there are approximately 2.2×104 miles in 3.52×107 meters.

To find out how many miles are in 3.52×10^7 meters, we can use the conversion factor given:

1 mile = 1.6×10^3 meters

We can set up a proportion to solve for the number of miles:

1 mile / 1.6×10^3 meters = x miles / 3.52×10^7 meters

Cross-multiplying gives us:

1.6×10^3 * x = 1 * 3.52×10^7

Simplifying the equation:

1.6×10^3 * x = 3.52×10^7

Dividing both sides by 1.6×10^3:

x = (3.52×10^7) / (1.6×10^3)

Simplifying the division:

x = 2.2×10^4

Therefore, there are approximately 2.2×10^4 miles in 3.52×10^7 meters.

To find out how many miles are there in 3.52×10^7 meters, we can use the conversion factor:

1 mile = 1.6×10^3 meters

We can set up a proportion to solve for the number of miles:

1 mile / 1.6×10^3 meters = x miles / 3.52×10^7 meters

Cross-multiplying the proportion:

1 mile * 3.52×10^7 meters = 1.6×10^3 meters * x miles


3.52×10^7 miles = 1.6×10^3 meters * x miles

Dividing both sides by 1.6×10^3 meters:

(3.52×10^7 miles) / (1.6×10^3 meters) = x miles

Calculating the result:

x = 3.52×10^7 / 1.6×10^3

Dividing the numbers:

x ≈ 2.2×10^4

Therefore, there are approximately 2.2×10^4 miles in 3.52×10^7 meters.