There are about 1.6x10^3 meters in a mile. About how many miles are there in 3.52x10^7 meters? Write your answer in scientific notation, expressed to the exact decimal place.

To find the number of miles in 3.52x10^7 meters, we need to divide 3.52x10^7 by 1.6x10^3.

Dividing 3.52x10^7 by 1.6x10^3 is equivalent to multiplying 3.52 by the reciprocal of 1.6 and dividing 10^7 by 10^3.

Multiplying 3.52 by the reciprocal of 1.6:

3.52 / 1.6 = 2.2

Dividing 10^7 by 10^3:

10^7 / 10^3 = 10^4

Putting it all together, we have:

2.2 x 10^4 miles.

Therefore, there are 2.2x10^4 miles in 3.52x10^7 meters.

To find out how many miles are there in 3.52x10^7 meters, we can use the conversion factor of 1.6x10^3 meters per mile.

First, divide 3.52x10^7 meters by 1.6x10^3 meters per mile:

(3.52x10^7 meters) / (1.6x10^3 meters per mile) = 2.2x10^4 miles

Therefore, there are approximately 2.2x10^4 miles in 3.52x10^7 meters.

To find the number of miles in 3.52x10^7 meters, we can use the conversion factor of 1.6x10^3 meters per mile.

First, let's write the given number of meters in scientific notation:

3.52x10^7 meters

Next, let's set up the conversion factor to cancel out the units and convert meters to miles:

(3.52x10^7 meters) x (1 mile / 1.6x10^3 meters)

We can simplify this expression by canceling out the unit "meters":

3.52x10^7 / 1.6x10^3 miles

Now, let's divide the numbers and subtract the exponents of 10:

(3.52 / 1.6) x 10^(7-3) miles

Simplifying further:

2.2 x 10^4 miles

Therefore, there are approximately 2.2x10^4 miles in 3.52x10^7 meters, expressed in scientific notation to the exact decimal place.