A car that is traveling west at a constant rate has(1 point) Responses velocity, but neither acceleration nor speed. velocity, but neither acceleration nor speed. acceleration and speed, but no velocity. acceleration and speed, but no velocity. speed and velocity, but no acceleration. speed and velocity, but no acceleration. speed, but neither velocity nor acceleration.

speed, but neither velocity nor acceleration.

The correct answer is: velocity, but neither acceleration nor speed.

Velocity refers to the rate at which an object changes its position in a specific direction. Since the car is traveling west at a constant rate, it has a velocity.

Acceleration refers to the rate at which an object changes its velocity. Since the car is traveling at a constant rate, it means there is no change in its velocity, and therefore no acceleration.

Speed refers to the rate at which an object covers a specific distance, regardless of direction. Since the car is said to be traveling west at a constant rate, it has speed. However, since velocity refers to both speed and direction, the car has velocity but not speed.

Therefore, the car has velocity, but neither acceleration nor speed.

The correct answer is speed, but neither velocity nor acceleration.

To understand why, let's break down the definitions of velocity, speed, and acceleration:

- Velocity: Velocity is a vector quantity that represents the rate at which an object changes its position in a specific direction. Velocity includes both the speed and direction of an object's motion. For example, if a car is traveling west at a constant rate, it has a velocity of "x" units per hour (where "x" represents the speed) in the westward direction.

- Speed: Speed is a scalar quantity that represents the rate at which an object moves, without taking into account its direction. It is the magnitude of the object's velocity. For example, if a car is traveling west at a constant rate, its speed would be "x" units per hour (the magnitude of the velocity) but without specifying the direction.

- Acceleration: Acceleration is a vector quantity that represents the rate at which an object changes its velocity. It includes both the change in speed and the change in direction. If a car is accelerating, its speed is changing, its direction is changing, or both.

In the given scenario, the question mentions that the car is traveling west at a constant rate. Since the word "constant" indicates that neither the speed nor direction is changing, we can conclude that the car has a constant speed. However, since the question does not imply any change in direction, it can be understood that the car does not have any velocity (because velocity considers both speed and direction).

Moreover, the question also states that the car has neither acceleration nor speed. This statement is incorrect since, at a constant rate, the speed of the car remains the same (i.e., it has speed) without any change in direction (i.e., no velocity). Therefore, the correct choice is "speed, but neither velocity nor acceleration."