A car that is traveling west at a constant rate has(1 point) Responses speed, but neither velocity nor acceleration. speed, but neither velocity nor acceleration. speed and velocity, but no acceleration. speed and velocity, but no acceleration. velocity, but neither acceleration nor speed. velocity, but neither acceleration nor speed. acceleration and speed, but no velocity

A car that is traveling west at a constant rate has speed and velocity, but no acceleration.

A car that is traveling west at a constant rate has speed, but neither velocity nor acceleration.

To determine the correct answer, let's review the definitions of speed, velocity, and acceleration:

- Speed refers to the rate at which an object moves, without considering its direction. It is calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken.

- Velocity, on the other hand, takes into account both the speed and direction of motion. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude (speed) and direction.

- Acceleration is the rate at which an object's velocity changes over time. It is also a vector quantity, indicating both the magnitude and direction of the change.

In the given scenario, we know that the car is traveling west at a constant rate. Since it is traveling at a constant rate, we can infer that the car's speed is consistent. However, the question asks for which option accurately represents the car's characteristics.

A) "Speed, but neither velocity nor acceleration."
Since the car is traveling west, it has a specific direction. So, the car does have velocity in addition to speed. Moreover, acceleration refers to a change in velocity, and since the car is moving at a constant rate, there is no acceleration. Therefore, this option is correct.

B) "Speed and velocity, but no acceleration."
This choice is incorrect because the car does not experience any acceleration, as stated above. However, speed and velocity are present.

C) "Velocity, but neither acceleration nor speed."
This option is incorrect because velocity includes speed and direction. The car has both speed and velocity.

D) "Acceleration and speed, but no velocity."
This option is incorrect. While the car has a constant speed, it does not experience any acceleration. Additionally, velocity includes speed, so by having speed, it automatically implies velocity.

So, the correct answer is A) "Speed, but neither velocity nor acceleration."