___________was the most common building element of ziggurats.

Mud brick

The most common building element of ziggurats was mud bricks.

The most common building element of ziggurats is mud-brick. To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the construction techniques and materials used in ziggurats.

Ziggurats were ancient Mesopotamian stepped pyramids built by the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians. They were constructed using local materials and featured a series of terraces or platforms.

To determine the most common building element, we can look at the available historical and archaeological evidence. While specific details vary across different ziggurats, mud-brick is widely acknowledged as the predominant component in their construction.

Mud-brick, also known as adobe, is a building material made by mixing clay, soil, and water, then drying the mixture into solid bricks. This method is simple and cost-effective, making it an accessible material for large-scale projects like ziggurats.

Additionally, mud-brick has proven to be durable over time, as evidenced by the surviving remnants of ancient ziggurats. It was readily available in the Mesopotamian region, making it the logical choice for construction.

In summary, the most common building element of ziggurats is mud-brick, which was widely used due to its accessibility, affordability, and durability.