Which elements would react most easily with each other?


an element with a high electronegativity and an element with a full shell of electrons

an element with a high electronegativity and an element with a single valence electron

an element with a high electronegativity and a second element with a high electronegativity

an element with a high electronegativity and an element with low reactivity

an element with a high electronegativity and an element with a single valence electron

An element with a high electronegativity and an element with a single valence electron would be the most likely to react easily with each other. Electronegativity is the measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons towards itself in a chemical bond. An element with a high electronegativity tends to have a stronger pull on electrons, while an element with a single valence electron is more likely to lose or gain electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This difference in electronegativity and electron availability creates an opportunity for a chemical reaction to occur.