How do lipids function for cells?

store information

store energy

breakdown wastes

join with substrates


store energy


store energy

To understand how lipids function for cells, let's break down each option:

A) Store information: Lipids do not primarily function to store information. Information in cells is stored in molecules such as DNA and RNA.

B) Store energy: This is the correct answer. Lipids are an excellent source of energy for cells. When lipids are broken down during cellular respiration, they release a large amount of energy that the cell can use for various processes.

C) Breakdown wastes: The breakdown of cellular wastes is primarily carried out by enzymes and other proteins, not lipids.

D) Join with substrates: While lipids can interact with other molecules, they do not specifically "join" with substrates. The joining of substrates is typically facilitated by enzymes or other catalytic molecules.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) store energy. Lipids serve as an efficient long-term energy storage molecule for cells.