Grade 12 Chemistry

Write the equations for the following processes:
a. The alpha decay of radon-198
b. The beta decay of uranium -237

a. The alpha decay of radon-198:

^198Rn -> ^194Po + ^4He

In this equation, an alpha particle (^4He) is emitted from the radon-198 nucleus, resulting in the production of polonium-194.

b. The beta decay of uranium-237:

^237U -> ^237Np + e-

In this equation, a beta particle (e-) is emitted from the uranium-237 nucleus, resulting in the production of neptunium-237.

a. The alpha decay of radon-198:

During alpha decay, an alpha particle (He-4) is emitted from the nucleus of the parent atom. In the case of radon-198 (Rn-198), it undergoes alpha decay to produce a daughter atom. The equation for the alpha decay of radon-198 is:

Rn-198 --> He-4 + X

where X represents the daughter atom.

b. The beta decay of uranium-237:
In beta decay, a neutron in the nucleus of the parent atom transforms into a proton, and an electron (beta particle) or positron is emitted. In the case of uranium-237 (U-237), it undergoes beta decay to produce a daughter atom. The equation for the beta decay of uranium-237 is:

U-237 --> Np-237 + e-

where Np-237 represents neptunium-237, and e- represents the emitted electron.

a. To write the equation for the alpha decay of radon-198, we need to remember that alpha decay involves the emission of an alpha particle. An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons, which is essentially the nucleus of a helium atom.

The element undergoing alpha decay loses two protons and two neutrons, resulting in a decrease of atomic number by 2 and mass number by 4.

Radon-198 has an atomic number of 86 (since it is radon) and a mass number of 198. Therefore, the equation for its alpha decay is:

^198Rn -> ^194Po + ^4He

In this equation, ^198Rn represents the radon-198 isotope, ^194Po represents the polonium-194 isotope (the product after alpha decay), and ^4He represents the helium-4 nucleus (the emitted alpha particle).

b. To write the equation for the beta decay of uranium-237, we need to remember that beta decay involves the emission or capture of a beta particle. A beta particle can be either an electron or a positron (a positively charged electron).

The type of beta decay depends on whether beta-minus (β-) or beta-plus (β+) decay occurs.

If uranium-237 undergoes beta-minus decay (where a neutron is converted into a proton), then the equation will be:

^237U -> ^237Np + β-

In this equation, ^237U represents the uranium-237 isotope, ^237Np represents the neptunium-237 isotope (the product after beta decay), and β- represents the emitted beta-minus particle (electron).

If uranium-237 undergoes beta-plus decay (where a proton is converted into a neutron), then the equation will be:

^237U -> ^237Pa + β+

In this equation, ^237U represents the uranium-237 isotope, ^237Pa represents the protactinium-237 isotope (the product after beta decay), and β+ represents the emitted beta-plus particle (positron).

are these answers correct?

Yes, these answers are correct. I apologize for any confusion in my initial response. The provided equations are indeed correct for the alpha decay of radon-198 and the beta decay of uranium-237.