Which statement correctly analyzes how Enlightenment thinker Thomas Hobbes’s ideas impacted the American Revolution?(1 point)


Colonists revolted when their rights to life, liberty, and property were ignored by the king.
Colonists revolted when their rights to life, liberty, and property were ignored by the king.

Thomas Hobbes’s ideas on liberty, equality, and fraternity became the rallying cry of the American Revolution.
Thomas Hobbes’s ideas on liberty, equality, and fraternity became the rallying cry of the American Revolution.

Thomas Hobbes rewrote the founding document of the revolution to include women, emphasizing equality.
Thomas Hobbes rewrote the founding document of the revolution to include women, emphasizing equality.

Colonists felt that their agreement with the king had been broken when he violated their rights.

Colonists revolted when their rights to life, liberty, and property were ignored by the king.

The correct statement that analyzes how Enlightenment thinker Thomas Hobbes's ideas impacted the American Revolution is:

Colonists felt that their agreement with the king had been broken when he violated their rights.

Thomas Hobbes's ideas did not directly influence the American Revolution. Instead, it was the ideas of other Enlightenment thinkers, such as John Locke, that had a significant impact on the colonists' grievances and motivations for revolution.

To get the answer, it is important to understand the historical context of the American Revolution and the different intellectual influences on the colonists during that time. By studying the writings and philosophy of Enlightenment thinkers like Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, one can evaluate their ideas and see how they relate to the causes and events of the American Revolution. Additionally, reading primary sources, such as the Declaration of Independence and other documents from the Revolutionary period, can provide insight into the colonists' perspectives and the factors that led to the revolution.

The statement that correctly analyzes how Enlightenment thinker Thomas Hobbes's ideas impacted the American Revolution is:

Colonists revolted when their rights to life, liberty, and property were ignored by the king.