Which statement correctly analyzes how Enlightenment thinker Thomas Hobbes's ideas impacted the

American Revolution? (1 point)

A.Colonists felt that their agreement with the king had been broken when he violated their rights.

B. Thomas Hobbes rewrote the founding document of the revolution to include women, emphasizing equality.

C. Colonists revolted when their rights to life, liberty, and property were ignored by the king.

D.Thomas Hobbes's ideas on liberty, equality, and fratemity became the rallying cry of the American Revolution

Which statement correctly analyzes how Enlightenment thinker Thomas Hobbes’s ideas impacted the American Revolution?(1 point)

The correct statement that correctly analyzes how Enlightenment thinker Thomas Hobbes's ideas impacted the American Revolution is option C. Colonists revolted when their rights to life, liberty, and property were ignored by the king.

To determine which statement correctly analyzes how Thomas Hobbes's ideas impacted the American Revolution, we need to examine his ideas and the events of the revolution. Thomas Hobbes was an Enlightenment thinker who believed in strong centralized authority and social contract theory. His most famous work, "Leviathan," argued for the necessity of a powerful government to maintain order and prevent the "war of all against all". Hobbes's ideas had a significant impact on political philosophy during the Enlightenment, but their influence on the American Revolution was limited.

Now let's analyze each statement to see which one correctly analyzes the impact of Hobbes's ideas:

A. Colonists felt that their agreement with the king had been broken when he violated their rights.
While this statement reflects the colonists' grievances against the king, it does not directly relate to Hobbes's ideas. Hobbes argued for the need of a strong sovereign who could protect the rights of individuals. Therefore, this statement does not accurately analyze the impact of Hobbes's ideas on the American Revolution.

B. Thomas Hobbes rewrote the founding document of the revolution to include women, emphasizing equality.
There is no evidence that Hobbes rewrote any founding documents of the American Revolution, including the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. Additionally, Hobbes did not specifically emphasize equality, making this statement incorrect.

C. Colonists revolted when their rights to life, liberty, and property were ignored by the king.
This statement aligns more closely with the colonists' motivations for the American Revolution. The colonists' revolted against the British monarchy due to perceived violations of their natural rights, including the right to life, liberty, and property. While Hobbes did not directly influence this specific sentiment, his ideas about the role of government and individual rights were consistent with the colonists' grievances. Thus, this statement correctly analyzes the impact of Hobbes's ideas on the American Revolution.

D. Thomas Hobbes's ideas on liberty, equality, and fraternity became the rallying cry of the American Revolution.
This statement is not accurate. Hobbes did not emphasize equality or fraternity in the same way as other Enlightenment thinkers, such as Rousseau. Additionally, his focus on a strong central authority did not align with the revolutionary ideals of limited government that were prevalent during the American Revolution.

Therefore, the correct statement that correctly analyzes how Thomas Hobbes's ideas impacted the American Revolution is option C: Colonists revolted when their rights to life, liberty, and property were ignored by the king.

C. Colonists revolted when their rights to life, liberty, and property were ignored by the king.