write 8 over 15 as a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth.

To write 8 over 15 as a decimal, simply divide 8 by 15:

8 ÷ 15 ≈ 0.533333...

Rounded to the nearest hundredth, 0.53 is the decimal representation of 8 over 15.

To convert the fraction 8/15 into a decimal rounded to the nearest hundredth, divide the numerator (8) by the denominator (15):

8 ÷ 15 ≈ 0.53

Therefore, the decimal representation of 8/15 rounded to the nearest hundredth is approximately 0.53.

To write a fraction as a decimal, you divide the numerator (the top number) by the denominator (the bottom number). In this case, you have the fraction 8/15.

To convert it to a decimal, divide 8 by 15 using long division or a calculator:


To round the decimal to the nearest hundredth, look at the digit in the thousandth place (the third digit after the decimal point), which is 3 in this case. Since 3 is less than 5, we don't need to round up.

Therefore, 8/15 as a decimal, rounded to the nearest hundredth, is approximately 0.53.