The purpose of a Code of Conduct is to...

govern our values and principles  

govern our private/public relationships  

govern our behaviours and practices  

govern our decision-making


The purpose of a Code of Conduct is to govern our behaviors and practices. It sets forth a set of guidelines and expectations for how individuals within an organization or community should conduct themselves. A Code of Conduct helps to establish a common understanding of acceptable behavior and promotes a positive and respectful environment. It also serves as a tool for addressing and resolving ethical dilemmas and conflicts of interest. Additionally, a Code of Conduct can help protect the reputation and integrity of the organization or community by defining the values and principles that guide decision-making.

To understand the purpose of a Code of Conduct, we first need to define what a Code of Conduct is. A Code of Conduct is a set of guidelines and principles that outline the expected behavior and practices of individuals within an organization or community. It serves as a framework to govern and guide the values, relationships, behaviors, and decision-making processes of its members.

Now, let's break down the options you provided and see which one aligns with the purpose of a Code of Conduct:

1. Govern our values and principles: This option is correct. A Code of Conduct establishes the values and principles that an organization or community expects its members to uphold. It helps to create a shared understanding of what is considered acceptable behavior and ensures that individuals align their actions with these values and principles.

2. Govern our private/public relationships: While a Code of Conduct may touch upon relationships, it is not its primary purpose. Its focus is more on outlining expected behaviors and practices, rather than specifically governing relationships between individuals or between an organization and the public.

3. Govern our behaviors and practices: This option is correct. A Code of Conduct provides guidelines and standards for appropriate behavior and practices. It sets expectations for how individuals should conduct themselves in various situations, both in their personal and professional lives.

4. Govern our decision-making: A Code of Conduct may provide guidance on decision-making processes, but it is not its sole purpose. Decision-making is often influenced by the values and principles outlined in a Code of Conduct, but its primary focus is on governing behaviors and practices.

In conclusion, the purpose of a Code of Conduct is to govern our values and principles, govern our behaviors and practices, and provide guidance for decision-making within an organization or community.