Imagine a political candidate, Maria Gutierrez. Gutierrez has appeared on television several times as part of multi-candidate debates. However, she is also invited often to discuss and debate views by herself on a popular news channel.

Use the passage to answer the question. How will the news channels preference most likely affect the political process?

(1 point)

It will make viewers more likely to want to know more about

Gutierrez's rivals.

It will make view more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election.

It will make viewers more likely to disagree with Gutierrez's

It will make viewers more likely to think that Gutierrez is competent.

It will make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election.

The news channel's preference for inviting Maria Gutierrez to discuss and debate views by herself is most likely to make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election.

The news channel's preference for inviting Maria Gutierrez to discuss and debate views by herself on a popular news channel is likely to make viewers more likely to believe that Gutierrez is an important contender in the election. This preference signals that the news channel sees value in featuring Gutierrez as the sole representative for political discussions, which can influence viewers' perception of her credibility and competence. Additionally, the repeated invitations and exposure on the news channel may contribute to increased visibility and recognition for Gutierrez, ultimately shaping the political process by influencing viewers' opinions and potentially garnering more support for her campaign.