Category 3: Use of Symbolism in Both Speeches (10 Marks)

Explain and discuss the use of symbolism in each speech, i.e., what is the significance of any objects/props speakers use in their speeches? (5x2=10)
Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi "i see something in you". Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani "the power of words".

Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi "i see something in you":

In Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's speech, he uses a few symbolic objects to convey his message. One important prop he uses is a mirror. He picks up a mirror from a table and holds it up to the audience, saying, "I see this glass, it's empty. But what do you see? Do you see an empty glass or do you see something else?"

The mirror symbolizes the way we see ourselves and others. It represents how our perception and beliefs shape our understanding of the world. By using the mirror as a metaphor, Hettiarachchi prompts the audience to reflect on their own perspectives and question if they are seeing the true potential in themselves and others.

Another symbol used in the speech is a piece of paper. Hettiarachchi folds the paper, transforming it into an origami bird, and explains the significance behind it. He states, "This origami bird is a symbol of your dreams. ... Because it started with a small piece of paper, like your dreams, but it was turned into a masterpiece."

The paper symbolizes our dreams and aspirations. It represents the potential within each individual to transform their dreams into reality with dedication and hard work. The origami bird serves as a visual representation of the power of turning small beginnings into extraordinary accomplishments.

Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani "the power of words":
Mohammed Qahtani's speech also utilizes symbolism to emphasize the power of words. One notable symbol in his speech is a pile of sand. Qahtani pours sand from one hand to the other while illustrating how words, like sand, can slip through our fingers and be forgotten. He states, "Words are like sand. Once spoken, they disappear, and the wind can blow them away forever."

The sand symbolizes the fleeting nature of words. It represents how easily words can be forgotten or ignored if not used wisely. Qahtani's use of the sand prop highlights the need to choose our words carefully, as they have the potential to make a lasting impact or disappear without a trace.

Additionally, Qahtani uses a small box with a hidden mirror inside. He explains that the mirror represents the listener, reflecting back the message they receive. He says, "The beauty of the mirror is that it reflects the person standing in front of it, just like the listener reflects the speaker's words."

The mirror symbolizes the role of the listener in the communication process. It represents how a listener's response or interpretation of words can shape their impact. By using the mirror prop, Qahtani emphasizes the importance of considering the audience and understanding the power of words to evoke emotions, inspire action, or change perceptions.

To understand the use of symbolism in each speech, we need to analyze the significance of any objects or props used by the speakers.

Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi "i see something in you"

To identify the symbolism in this speech, we can consider any objects or props used by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi. While I am not familiar with the specific speech and its context, there are some common objects that speakers often use symbolically.

One example could be the use of a mirror. Mirrors are often symbols of self-reflection, self-awareness, and introspection. If Dananjaya Hettiarachchi uses a mirror in his speech, it could signify his encouragement to the audience to reflect on themselves and discover their hidden potential or inner strengths.

Another symbol that is frequently used is a key. A key can represent the unlocking of hidden potential or opening doors to new opportunities. If a key is used in the speech, it could symbolize the speaker's belief in the audience's ability to make positive changes or achieve their goals.

To determine the specific symbolism in this speech, it would be helpful to watch or read a transcript of Dananjaya Hettiarachchi's speech "i see something in you" and pay attention to any objects or props he uses. By analyzing the context and the speaker's message, we can decipher the symbolic meaning behind these objects.

Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani "the power of words"

Similar to the previous speech, we need to explore any objects or props that Mohammed Qahtani uses to identify symbolism in his speech.

One common symbol associated with the power of words is a book. A book represents knowledge, wisdom, and the ability to inspire or transform through words. If Mohammed Qahtani refers to or holds a book during his speech, it could symbolize the impact that words can have on individuals and society.

Another symbol commonly used in speeches about the power of words is a pen or a microphone. These symbols represent the authority and influence that comes with the ability to speak or write persuasively. If Mohammed Qahtani uses a pen or a microphone, it could symbolize his recognition of the potential to create positive change through effective communication.

To fully understand the symbolism in Mohammed Qahtani's speech, it is essential to watch or read a transcript of his speech "the power of words." By paying attention to any objects or props he uses, along with the overall message and context, we can determine the symbolic significance behind these elements.

Thus, to discuss the use of symbolism in each speech, it is important to analyze the specific objects or props used by Dananjaya Hettiarachchi in "i see something in you" and Mohammed Qahtani in "the power of words." By understanding the symbolism behind these objects, we can evaluate the deeper meaning and impact they add to the speeches.

Speech 1: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi "i see something in you":

In this speech, Dananjaya Hettiarachchi uses several objects and props to convey symbolic meaning and enhance the impact of his message.

1. Mirror: The speaker starts the speech by holding up a mirror and asking the audience to look at themselves. This mirror symbolizes self-reflection and invites the audience to introspect their own potential and capabilities. It represents the idea that each individual has unique qualities and talents waiting to be discovered.

2. Glasses: Throughout the speech, Hettiarachchi frequently wears and adjusts his glasses while making key points. This symbolizes the lens through which he sees the potential in others. The glasses act as a metaphorical filter that allows him to perceive the hidden talents and greatness within each individual.

3. Seeds: The speaker uses a packet of seeds as a prop to represent the untapped potential within each person. He emphasizes that every individual has the ability to grow, develop, and achieve great things. The seeds symbolize the dormant abilities waiting to be nurtured and cultivated.

4. Light bulbs: Hettiarachchi uses light bulbs to symbolize ideas or moments of inspiration. He encourages the audience to have light bulb moments, to spark their creativity, and to take action on their ideas. The light bulbs represent the birth of new ideas and the energy required to bring them to fruition.

5. Trophy: Towards the end of the speech, the speaker presents a trophy to an audience member, symbolizing success and recognition. This prop represents the ultimate manifestation of one's potential and achievements. It serves as a reminder that fulfilling one's potential can lead to personal fulfillment and external recognition.

Through the effective use of these symbols, Hettiarachchi reinforces the central message of his speech – the importance of recognizing and harnessing one's hidden potential.

Speech 2: Mohammed Qahtani "the power of words":

In his speech, Mohammed Qahtani also employs symbolism to highlight the impact of words and their ability to influence others.

1. Sword: At the beginning of the speech, Qahtani introduces a sword as a prop. The sword symbolizes the power and strength that words possess. It represents the potential of words to cause harm or create positive change. Qahtani later emphasizes the importance of using words wisely and responsibly.

2. Empty jar: The speaker uses an empty jar as a prop to represent the impact of silence. Qahtani pours pebbles into the jar, symbolizing words, and shows that silence allows the jar to hold more pebbles. This symbolizes the importance of silence in communication and the value of choosing words carefully.

3. Picture frames: Throughout the speech, Qahtani holds up picture frames. These picture frames symbolize the way words can shape our perceptions and thoughts. They represent the mental frames through which we view the world. Qahtani encourages the audience to be aware of the words they use and how they can influence their own mindset and the mindset of others.

4. Chain: Towards the end of the speech, the speaker brings out a chain as a prop. The chain symbolizes the power of words to bind people together or to enslave them. Qahtani emphasizes that words have the ability to either build strong relationships or create divisions and conflicts. The chain serves as a powerful metaphor for the impact words can have on human connections.

By using these symbolic props, Qahtani effectively conveys the profound influence and responsibility that comes with the power of words. He urges the audience to be mindful of their own speech and to recognize the impact their words can have on others.