the answer the canadas three economic questions of (1) what to produce (2) how to produce it (3) for whom to produce is decided by which of the following groups? select yes or no

government officials

Yes, the answer to Canada's three economic questions is decided by parliament, individuals, government officials, and corporations.

The answer to Canada's three economic questions is decided by a combination of all the groups mentioned. Yes, Parliament (government officials) plays a role in making economic decisions through policies and legislation. Yes, individuals make choices about what to produce as consumers and workers. Yes, corporations also contribute to decision-making as producers in the economy. So, all of these groups play a part in determining the answers to Canada's economic questions.

The answer to Canada's three economic questions (what to produce, how to produce it, and for whom to produce) is determined by multiple groups. It is not solely decided by one specific group. Instead, a combination of different entities influences the decision-making process.

Yes, Parliament plays a significant role in shaping Canada's economic policies. The elected representatives in Parliament have the power to enact laws and regulations that affect the economy. They can establish policies regarding taxes, subsidies, trade, and other economic aspects that can influence what is produced, how it is produced, and for whom.

Yes, individuals also play a crucial role in determining the answers to the economic questions. Individuals, as consumers, decide what goods and services they want to purchase and consume. Their preferences and demands in the market influence what industries and products will thrive. Thus, the choices made by individuals have an impact on what is produced, how it is produced, and for whom.

Yes, government officials also have an impact on the economic questions. They can set regulations and policies that affect production methods, such as labor laws, environmental regulations, and health and safety standards. Moreover, they can implement social welfare programs, tax policies, and other initiatives that can influence the distribution of resources and address the needs of specific groups in society.

Yes, corporations, or private businesses, also have a role in shaping the answers to the economic questions. They make decisions on what products to produce based on market demand and profitability. They determine the most efficient methods of production and aim to maximize their profits. Their actions influence the allocation of resources and the distribution of goods in the economy.

To summarize, the answers to Canada's economic questions are not determined by a single group but rather a combination of Parliament, individuals, government officials, and corporations. Each of these entities has an influence on what is produced, how it is produced, and for whom.

yes for all of them ?

Yes, all of the mentioned groups - Parliament, individuals, government officials, and corporations - play a role in determining the answers to Canada's economic questions of what to produce, how to produce it, and for whom to produce. Each group has its own sphere of influence and contributes to the decision-making process in different ways.