The answer to Canada’s 3 economic questions of (1) what to produce (2) how to produce and (3) for whom to produce is decided by which 2 of the following groups? Select yes or no

. parliament Yes or No

individuals Yes or No

government officials Yes or No

corporations Yes or No

The answer to Canada's 3 economic questions is decided by the following groups:

- parliament: Yes
- individuals: Yes
- government officials: Yes
- corporations: Yes

The answer to Canada's three economic questions is decided by:

1. Parliament - Yes
2. Individuals - Yes
3. Government officials - Yes
4. Corporations - Yes

So the correct answers are:
- Parliament: Yes
- Individuals: Yes

In Canada, the answer to the three economic questions is not decided by two specific groups from the options listed. Instead, the decisions are influenced by a combination of multiple groups, including parliament, individuals, government officials, and corporations. Each group plays a role in shaping Canada's economic policies and outcomes.

Parliament, comprised of elected representatives, has the power to create laws and regulations that impact economic decisions. Government officials, including policymakers and bureaucrats, also play a significant role in formulating and implementing economic policies.

Individuals, as consumers and workers, make economic choices through their spending and labor decisions. Their preferences, demands, and choices collectively influence what is produced, how it is produced, and for whom.

Corporations, as profit-seeking entities, play a crucial role in the production and distribution of goods and services. They make decisions about what to produce based on market demand and profitability, determining how to produce through organizational strategies, and targeting specific consumer segments.

Therefore, the answer to the question would be "No," as the three economic questions in Canada are not solely decided by two specific groups but are influenced by a combination of parliament, individuals, government officials, and corporations.