Which of the following terms best describes the structure of the manor system?(1 point) Responses merit-based merit-based equal equal democratic democratic hierarchical


The term that best describes the structure of the manor system is hierarchical.

To determine the answer, you can first understand the term "manor system". The manor system was a system of organizing land and labor during the Middle Ages in Europe. In this system, a lord owned a large estate, known as a manor, and the peasants or serfs worked the land in exchange for protection and the right to live on the lord's land.

Next, you can look at the four options provided: merit-based, equal, democratic, and hierarchical.

"Merit-based" means that rewards or positions are based on individual merits or abilities. This does not describe the manor system, as the position of peasants or serfs was determined by their birth and social class rather than their skills or abilities.

"Equal" means that everyone is treated the same and has the same rights and opportunities. Again, this does not describe the manor system since there was a clear social hierarchy, with the lord being at the top and the peasants or serfs at the bottom.

"Democratic" refers to a system of government where power is shared and decisions are made by the people. This term does not apply to the manor system, as the lord had absolute authority over the land and its inhabitants, and decisions were made solely by the lord or the lord's representative.

Finally, "hierarchical" refers to a system where there is a clear ranking or hierarchy of power and authority. This term accurately describes the manor system, as it had a clear social structure with the lord at the top, followed by knights, clergy, and then the peasants or serfs at the bottom.

Therefore, the term "hierarchical" is the best description of the structure of the manor system.

The term that best describes the structure of the manor system is hierarchical.