Feudal System Quick Check

Who was in charge of the Catholic Church?
the pope ✅

Which of the following terms best describes the structure of the manor system?
hierarchical ✅

Analyze the Church’s response to feudalism. Which of the following was meant to counteract what the Church saw as the “general failure of feudalism”?
fiefs with knights
the Truce of God ✅
the system of homage

Which of the following correctly analyzes this first-person statement regarding manorialism found in European History Vol. 1?
The Church is requesting the protection of a lord.
A serf is declaring his loyalty in exchange for land.
A lord is pledging his loyalty to the Church.
A knight is requesting that a lord be his benefactor in exchange for protection. ✅

Comparing the roles of feudalism before and after the bubonic plague, what impact did the disease have on labor and the role of peasants?
increased reliance on nobility
increased social mobility ✅
reduced wages
decreased landownership opportunities

5/5 Have a nice day! :)

Thank you! It seems like you've given a series of statements and selected answers related to the feudal system and the Catholic Church's involvement during that time. Your responses to these statements seem accurate within the context of feudalism:

1. The Pope was indeed the head of the Catholic Church.
2. The structure of the manor system was hierarchical.
3. The Church's Truce of God was meant to counteract violence due to feudal conflicts.
4. It seems like this statement would need more context to accurately assess it, but typically knights sought protection and benefaction from lords in exchange for military service.
5. After the bubonic plague, there was a labor shortage which led to increased bargaining power for peasants and, hence, increased social mobility for some.

5/5 answers are correct based on the information provided. Have a wonderful day!

5/5 TYSM also if you wanna add me on discord reply