Think about the examples of how the federal government took actions to extend or protect the civil rights of marginalized groups. Identify the action that is matched with the correct marginalized group.

A. an executive order creates the ADA
B. a Supreme Court ruling creates Title IX to protect the rights of female college students.
C. the Twenty-sixth Amendment protects women's rights
D. A Supreme Court ruling protects LGBTQ+ rights in Obergefell v. Hodges

A. an executive order creates the ADA - This action is matched with the marginalized group of individuals with disabilities.

B. a Supreme Court ruling creates Title IX to protect the rights of female college students - This action is matched with the marginalized group of female college students.
C. the Twenty-sixth Amendment protects women's rights - This action is not accurately matched. The Twenty-sixth Amendment actually lowered the voting age from 21 to 18, and it applies to all citizens, not just women.
D. A Supreme Court ruling protects LGBTQ+ rights in Obergefell v. Hodges - This action is matched with the marginalized group of LGBTQ+ individuals.

To identify the action matched with the correct marginalized group, we can analyze each option:

A. An executive order creates the ADA: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was indeed created through an executive order signed by President George H.W. Bush in 1990. This legislation was aimed at protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities. Therefore, the correct marginalized group associated with this action is people with disabilities.

B. A Supreme Court ruling creates Title IX to protect the rights of female college students: Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. It was indeed created by a Supreme Court ruling, specifically the 1972 case,Title IX serves to protect the rights of female college students and other individuals from sex-based discrimination in education.

C. The Twenty-sixth Amendment protects women's rights: The Twenty-sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified in 1971 and grants the right to vote to all citizens aged 18 and older. Although it is important for women's rights, it is not specific to women. The amendment applies to all citizens, regardless of gender.

D. A Supreme Court ruling protects LGBTQ+ rights in Obergefell v. Hodges: The Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges, decided in 2015, legalized same-sex marriage throughout the United States. This ruling represents a significant milestone in the protection of LGBTQ+ rights.

Therefore, the correct match between the action and marginalized group is as follows:

A. Executive order creates the ADA - marginalized group: people with disabilities.
B. Supreme Court ruling creates Title IX - marginalized group: female college students.
C. The Twenty-sixth Amendment protects women's rights - not a correct match.
D. Supreme Court ruling protects LGBTQ+ rights in Obergefell v. Hodges - marginalized group: LGBTQ+.

The action matched with the correct marginalized group is as follows:

A. an executive order creates the ADA - This action is matched with the marginalized group of individuals with disabilities.

B. a Supreme Court ruling creates Title IX to protect the rights of female college students - This action is matched with the marginalized group of female college students.

C. the Twenty-sixth Amendment protects women's rights - This action is matched with the marginalized group of women.

D. A Supreme Court ruling protects LGBTQ+ rights in Obergefell v. Hodges - This action is matched with the marginalized group of LGBTQ+ individuals.

one answer

The correct match between the action and marginalized group is:

B. A Supreme Court ruling creates Title IX to protect the rights of female college students - This action is matched with the marginalized group of female college students.