When doing a computer calculation, Cooper got an answer that said 1.45E - 12. What is this number in scientific notation?

A. 1.45 × 10^-12
B. 1.45 + 10^-12
C. 1.45 × 10¹²
D. -12 × 10^1.45

The correct answer is A. 1.45 × 10^-12.

The number 1.45E - 12 in scientific notation is equivalent to option A, 1.45 × 10^-12.

To understand the given number 1.45E - 12, it is important to know that in scientific notation, numbers are written in the form of A × 10^B, where A is a decimal number between 1 and 10 (excluding 10), and B is an integer that represents the power of 10.

In this case, the given number is 1.45E - 12. To convert it into scientific notation, we need to determine A and B.

The "E" in the number represents the exponent or power of 10. In this case, the exponent is -12. The negative sign indicates that the number is very small.

Therefore, the number 1.45E - 12 can be rewritten as 1.45 × 10^-12.

Hence, the answer is option A. 1.45 × 10^-12.