When doing a computer calculation Cooper got an answer that said 1.45 e - 12 what is the number in scientific notation 1.45 * 10 ^ -12 1.45 + 10 to the negative 12 1.45 * 10 ^ 12 -12 * 10 ^ 1.45

The number in scientific notation is 1.45 × 10^-12.

The number 1.45e-12 is already written in scientific notation. The "e" in 1.45e-12 represents "times ten to the power of". So, the number in scientific notation is 1.45 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of -12, written as 1.45 * 10^-12.

The number in scientific notation for 1.45e-12 is 1.45 * 10^(-12).