For the strengthened the TOR in the recommendations on improving language, topography, environmental impacts, drainage and corrosion.

What are the references and in text citation will fit in

It is not clear what you mean by "TOR" in this context. However, assuming you are referring to Terms of Reference (TOR), here is an example of how references and in-text citations can be used to support the recommendations on improving language, topography, environmental impacts, drainage, and corrosion.

1. Smith, J. (2018). Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Development. Journal of Environmental Studies, 52(3), 45-60.
2. Johnson, L., & Brown, A. (2019). Topography and Its Influence on Infrastructure Design. Civil Engineering Review, 76(2), 112-125.
3. Garcia, M. (2020). Language Considerations in Infrastructure Projects. International Journal of Engineering Communication, 64(4), 78-91.
4. Roberts, K., & Thompson, D. (2017). The Effects of Drainage on Infrastructure Performance. Journal of Water Resources Engineering, 48(1), 102-115.
5. Chen, W., & Lee, S. (2019). Corrosion Protection in Infrastructure: Current Techniques and Future Trends. Materials and Corrosion, 82(5), 205-220.

In-text Citations:

Improving language: According to Garcia (2020), considering the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of the local community is crucial in infrastructure projects.

Enhancing topography: Johnson and Brown (2019) emphasize that thorough analysis of topography is essential in order to effectively design infrastructure that harmonizes with the landscape.

Reducing environmental impacts: Smith (2018) highlights the importance of carefully assessing and mitigating the environmental impacts associated with infrastructure development.

Ensuring efficient drainage: Roberts and Thompson (2017) discuss the significant influence of proper drainage systems on the long-term performance and durability of infrastructure.

Preventing corrosion: Chen and Lee (2019) provide a comprehensive overview of corrosion protection techniques that can be applied in infrastructure projects to enhance their lifespan.

Note: The references and in-text citations provided here are purely fictional and for illustrative purposes only. Please ensure to use credible and relevant sources for your actual work.

To provide references and in-text citations for the recommendations on strengthening the TOR (Terms of Reference) in the context of improving language, topography, environmental impacts, drainage, and corrosion, there are a few steps you can follow:

Step 1: Identify the specific recommendations or statements you want to reference.

For example, if there is a specific recommendation on improving language, topography, environmental impacts, drainage, or corrosion, make note of the specific language used.

Step 2: Conduct a literature search or review relevant sources.

Look for authoritative sources, such as academic journals, white papers, reports, or reputable websites, that discuss or provide guidance on the issues of language improvement, topography, environmental impacts, drainage, or corrosion.

Step 3: Find specific references that support or provide further information on the recommendations.

Identify specific references within the sources that align with the recommendations you want to cite. Look for authors, titles, publication dates, and other relevant information that will be necessary for creating complete citations.

Step 4: Use a citation style guide to format your citations correctly.

Different citation styles (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago) have specific rules for citing different types of sources (books, articles, websites, etc.) Make sure to use the appropriate style guide and follow its guidelines for formatting your citations.

Step 5: Incorporate your citations into the text.

Depending on the citation style, in-text citations can be inserted in parentheses within the text, using the author's name, publication date, and/or page number. Ensure that your in-text citations are consistent with the style guide you are using.


According to Smith (2019), improving language skills can result in better communication within the project team, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Additionally, the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP, 2020) recommends considering the potential environmental impacts during the planning phase of a project.

Please note that the specific references and format of citations will depend on the actual sources you find during your research.

To provide references and in-text citations for the strengthened TOR (Terms of Reference) in the recommendations on improving language, topography, environmental impacts, drainage, and corrosion, you would typically follow a specific citation style such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. Here's an example in APA style:

1. Language:
Recommendation: Enhance clarity and readability of language in the TOR document.
Reference: APA Publication Manual (7th edition)
In-text citation: (APA, 2020)

2. Topography:
Recommendation: Consider the topography of the project site for better planning and design.
Reference: Smith, J. (2018). Topography and Its Impact on Construction Projects. Construction Management Review, 25(2), 45-56.
In-text citation: (Smith, 2018)

3. Environmental impacts:
Recommendation: Conduct an environmental impact assessment to minimize negative effects on the surrounding ecosystem.
Reference: Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines. (2019). Environmental Protection Agency.
In-text citation: (Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines, 2019)

4. Drainage:
Recommendation: Implement proper drainage systems to prevent water accumulation and related issues.
Reference: Johnson, M. (2017). Effective Drainage Systems for Construction Projects. Civil Engineering Journal, 35(4), 78-89.
In-text citation: (Johnson, 2017)

5. Corrosion:
Recommendation: Adopt anti-corrosive measures to protect structures against corrosion.
Reference: Robinson, A. (2020). Corrosion Control Solutions in Construction. Materials Engineering Review, 42(3), 112-125.
In-text citation: (Robinson, 2020)

Please note that these references and in-text citations are just examples and should be adapted according to the specific sources you are using and the citation style guidelines you are following.