how the changing climate might affect ocean acidification?

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The changing climate has the potential to worsen ocean acidification. As the atmosphere warms, increased quantities of carbon dioxide are released, which then dissolve in seawater. This leads to lower pH levels and makes the oceans more acidic. Additionally, climate change can disrupt ocean currents and weather patterns, resulting in altered nutrient availability and reduced productivity of marine ecosystems. These changes further contribute to increased acidification. Overall, the combination of rising temperatures and altered oceanic conditions exacerbates the problem of ocean acidification (NOAA, 2021).


NOAA. (2021). Lessons about Ocean Acidification II: Solutions to Ocean Acidification. National Ocean Service.

The changing climate can have a significant impact on ocean acidification. As the Earth's temperature increases due to global warming, more carbon dioxide (CO2) is released into the atmosphere. A portion of this CO2 is absorbed by the oceans, leading to an increase in the concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide in seawater. This excess CO2 reacts with water molecules, resulting in the formation of carbonic acid. As a result, the pH of the oceans decreases, making them more acidic. This process, known as ocean acidification, can have detrimental effects on marine organisms, particularly those that rely on calcium carbonate to build their shells or skeletons, such as coral reefs and shellfish.

National Research Council. (2010). Ocean acidification: A national strategy to meet the challenges of a changing ocean. National Academies Press.

The changing climate can have significant impacts on ocean acidification. With the rise in global temperatures, oceans absorb more carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. This excess CO2 reacts with seawater to form carbonic acid, which leads to a decrease in ocean pH, making it more acidic. This acidification can negatively affect marine organisms, such as shellfish, coral reefs, and plankton, which rely on carbonate ions to build their shells and skeletons. The reduced availability of carbonate ions due to acidification can hamper their growth and survival, thus disrupting the marine food chain and ecosystems.


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). (2021, April 2). Ocean Acidification.

gh-Guldberg, O., & Bruno, J. (2010). The Impact of Climate Change on the World's Marine Ecosystems. Science, 328(5985), 1523-1528. doi:10.1126/science.1189930