Use the passage to answer the question. Read the following sentences from "The High School Step Team." As Karla turned away from Jade and walked down the hall towards the math class, she pictured her cousin shrugging her shoulders. “Okay, do whatever you think is best,” Jade said. “I’ll see you at home.” After reading these sentences, the reader can infer that (1 point) Responses Jade and Karla frequently argue with each other. Jade and Karla frequently argue with each other. Karla is not happy that Jade is pressuring her. Karla is not happy that Jade is pressuring her. Jade is used to doing things that don't involve Karla. Jade is used to doing things that don't involve Karla. Karla is familiar with Jade's nonverbal reactions. Karla is familiar with Jade's nonverbal reactions.

Karla is familiar with Jade's nonverbal reactions.

The reader can infer that Karla is familiar with Jade's nonverbal reactions.

Based on the passage, the reader can infer that Karla is not happy that Jade is pressuring her. This can be inferred from the statement "As Karla turned away from Jade and walked down the hall towards the math class, she pictured her cousin shrugging her shoulders and saying 'Okay, do whatever you think is best.'" This indicates that Jade is pressuring Karla to make a decision and Karla is not happy about it.