Use the passage to answer the question.

Which is the best paraphrase of the first paragraph?
(1 point)

After school, Jade tells her cousin Karla to try out for the step team.
After school, Jade tells her cousin Karla to try out for the step team.

Jade cares about her cousin Karla and makes a suggestion to her.
Jade cares about her cousin Karla and makes a suggestion to her.

Karla listens as her cousin Jade tells her about being on the step team.
Karla listens as her cousin Jade tells her about being on the step team.

Karla hears the bell ring and runs into her cousin Jade.
Karla hears the bell ring and runs into her cousin Jade.

Jade cares about her cousin Karla and makes a suggestion to her.

Jade tells her cousin Karla to try out for the step team after school.

The best paraphrase of the first paragraph would be: Jade, after school, advises her cousin Karla to audition for the step team. This accurately captures the main idea of the original passage, which is Jade telling Karla to try out for the step team.