Which detail would be most relevant to this central idea?

George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today.

1. George Washington was the first president.
2. George Washington was elected unanimously
3. George Washington married Martha Custis
4. George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents

4. George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents

The detail that would be most relevant to the central idea, "George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today," is option 4: "George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents." This detail highlights an important aspect of Washington's presidency that directly impacts our government structure and continues to shape the presidency today.

The detail that would be most relevant to the central idea that George Washington's presidency still has an impact on our government today is option 4: George Washington created the two-term policy for presidents.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the central idea, which is that George Washington's presidency still influences our government today. This implies that there are specific actions or policies implemented by Washington during his presidency that continue to have an impact.

Option 1, that George Washington was the first president, provides some context to his presidency but does not directly relate to its ongoing impact on our government.

Option 2, that George Washington was elected unanimously, is an interesting historical fact about his presidency but does not overtly connect to the lasting impact on our government.

Option 3, that George Washington married Martha Custis, is a personal detail that does not directly pertain to the central idea.

Option 4, however, highlights a specific policy that George Washington introduced - the two-term policy for presidents. This policy had a profound and lasting impact on our government, with subsequent presidents adhering to this precedent until the 22nd Amendment formally limited a president to two terms.

Therefore, option 4 is the most relevant detail to the central idea and provides a direct link between Washington's presidency and its influence on our government today.