Lake Profondo has a depth of 84 feet. Lake Segundo is & as deep. What is the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo? (Remember, the elevation is below sea level. Account for this in your answer.) (1 point)

Lake Segundo is equally as deep as Lake Profondo, so it also has a depth of 84 feet. Since the elevation at the bottom of Lake Profondo is below sea level, we can assume the same for Lake Segundo. Thus, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo is also below sea level.

To determine the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo, we need to know the depth of the lake. The question states that Lake Segundo is "&" as deep as Lake Profondo, but it does not provide a specific depth.

Please provide the depth of Lake Segundo so that I can calculate the elevation at its bottom.

To find the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo, you can subtract the depth of the lake from sea level. Since Lake Profondo has a depth of 84 feet, Lake Segundo is equally deep.

Sea level is considered to be at zero elevation, so to account for this, you need to subtract the depth from zero.

Therefore, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Segundo would be -84 feet below sea level.