Deep Lake has a depth of 90ft. Lake Okeechobee is 2/15 as deep. What is the elevation at the BOTTOM of Lake Okeechobee? (Remember, the elevation is BELOW sea level).

To find the depth of Lake Okeechobee, we need to multiply its depth by the fraction given.

Depth of Lake Okeechobee = (2/15) * Depth of Deep Lake

Depth of Lake Okeechobee = (2/15) * 90 ft

Depth of Lake Okeechobee = 12 ft

Since the elevation at the bottom of Lake Okeechobee is below sea level, we can say that the elevation at the bottom of Lake Okeechobee is -12 ft.

To find the elevation at the bottom of Lake Okeechobee, we need to calculate 2/15th of the depth of Deep Lake. Let's break down the steps:

First, find the depth of Deep Lake, which is given as 90ft.

Next, calculate 2/15th of the depth of Deep Lake. To do this, multiply the depth of Deep Lake (90ft) by the fraction 2/15:

(90ft) * (2/15) = 12ft

So, 2/15th of the depth of Deep Lake is equal to 12ft.

Finally, we need to determine the elevation at the bottom of Lake Okeechobee. The question states that the elevation is below sea level, which means it is negative. Since Lake Okeechobee is 2/15th as deep as Deep Lake, it would have the same negative elevation as 2/15th of the depth of Deep Lake:

Elevation at the BOTTOM of Lake Okeechobee = -12ft

Therefore, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Okeechobee is -12ft.

To find the elevation at the bottom of Lake Okeechobee, we need to determine the depth of Lake Okeechobee first. Given that Lake Okeechobee is 2/15 as deep as Deep Lake, we can find its depth by multiplying the depth of Deep Lake by 2/15.

Depth of Lake Okeechobee = Depth of Deep Lake * (2/15)
Depth of Lake Okeechobee = 90 ft * (2/15)

To calculate the depth of Lake Okeechobee, we can simplify the equation by canceling out the common factor of 3:
Depth of Lake Okeechobee = 30 ft * (2/5)

Thus, the depth of Lake Okeechobee is 12 feet.

Now, to find the elevation at the bottom of Lake Okeechobee, we need to consider that the elevation is below sea level. The bottom of Lake Okeechobee is typically about 19 feet below sea level.

Therefore, the elevation at the bottom of Lake Okeechobee is approximately 19 feet below sea level.