Which of the following describes one of the tasks of a good conclusion? (1 point)

providing a new piece of trivia
summing up the passage
• making the reader angry
• going off on a tangent

Summing up the passage

To determine which of the options describes one of the tasks of a good conclusion, we can analyze each option:

1. Providing a new piece of trivia: A conclusion typically aims to wrap up the main points discussed in the passage and leave a lasting impression on the reader. Providing a new piece of trivia would not align with this purpose.

2. Summing up the passage: This option aligns closely with the purpose of a conclusion. A good conclusion should summarize the main ideas and arguments presented in the passage, helping the reader to understand the key takeaways.

3. Making the reader angry: This option does not align with the purpose of a good conclusion. The role of a conclusion is to leave a positive lasting impression on the reader by effectively summarizing the main points and reinforcing the author's viewpoint, rather than making the reader angry.

4. Going off on a tangent: Going off on a tangent would not fulfill the purpose of a good conclusion. The conclusion should stay focused on summarizing the main points and providing a sense of closure, rather than introducing new and unrelated ideas.

Based on this analysis, the option that describes one of the tasks of a good conclusion is "summing up the passage."

The task of a good conclusion is to sum up the passage.