Which of the reasons below is NOT why authors choose to employ symbols?

A. To creatively develop a theme
B. To hide their message
C. To represent a larger more comprehensive idea

B. To hide their message

B. To hide their message

Authors typically use symbols to enhance the meaning and depth of their work, not to hide their message. Symbols are often employed to creatively develop a theme, evoke emotions, or represent a larger, more comprehensive idea.

To determine which of the reasons is NOT why authors choose to employ symbols, we should consider each option individually.

A. To creatively develop a theme: Authors often use symbols to creatively develop a theme in their writing. Symbols can be used to enhance and expand upon the underlying meaning of a theme and contribute to a deeper understanding of the text. Thus, it is a valid reason for authors to employ symbols.

B. To hide their message: While it is true that authors can use symbols to add layers of meaning and complexity to their work, it is not usually the primary purpose to hide their message. Authors generally want their message to be understood by their readers. Symbolism is often employed to enhance the message, making it more engaging, thought-provoking, or memorable, rather than intentionally hiding it.

C. To represent a larger, more comprehensive idea: This is another valid reason why authors choose to employ symbols. Symbols can be used to represent abstract concepts, universal truths, or larger ideas that resonate with readers on a deeper level. Through the use of symbols, authors can convey complex concepts in a more accessible and relatable way.

Based on this analysis, the answer is B. To hide their message. While authors can use symbols to add layers of meaning, it is not the primary purpose for employing them, and it is not typically the intention to hide the message from readers.