Niel has a bucket of beads. He uses them to make 8 identical necklaces and then buys 25 beads at the store. He ends up with a total of 500 beads. How many did he start with? Identify the operations needed to solve this problem using the equation b8 + 25 = 500.(1 point

In order to solve this problem using the equation b8 + 25 = 500, we need to subtract 25 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term b8. So, the operations needed are subtraction and addition.

To solve this problem, we need to set up and solve the equation b8 + 25 = 500, where b represents the number of beads Niel started with.

Here are the steps to solve the equation:

Step 1: Subtract 25 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term b8:
b8 = 500 - 25

Step 2: Simplify the right side of the equation:
b8 = 475

Step 3: Divide both sides of the equation by 8 to solve for b:
b = 475 ÷ 8

Step 4: Perform the division to find the value of b:
b = 59.375

Therefore, Niel started with approximately 59 beads.

To find out how many beads Niel started with, we can set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's break down the information given in the problem:
- Niel makes 8 identical necklaces using the beads.
- Niel then buys 25 additional beads.
- In total, Niel has 500 beads.

Let's assume Niel started with "b" beads.

Niel makes 8 identical necklaces, so each necklace will have b/8 beads.
Therefore, he has a total of 8 * (b/8) = b beads remaining.

After buying 25 more beads, the total number of beads becomes b + 25.

According to the problem, Niel ends up with a total of 500 beads. We can set up an equation based on this information:

b + 25 = 500

To solve this equation, we can perform the following operations:
1. Subtract 25 from both sides of the equation:
b + 25 - 25 = 500 - 25
b = 475

Hence, Niel started with 475 beads.