According to the article, why did grape companies agree to treat farmworkers more fairly?

A.Because Huerta persuaded lawmakers to allow farmworkers to form unions
B.Because Huerta showed companies the dreadful working conditions in the fields
C.Because Huerta and the NFWA launched a nationwide grape boycott
D.Because Huerta and Chavez asked Latinx workers to stop picking grapes

C.Because Huerta and the NFWA launched a nationwide grape boycott

C. Because Huerta and the NFWA launched a nationwide grape boycott.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the context provided in the article. The question suggests that grape companies agreed to treat farmworkers more fairly, so we can look for information on the causes or reasons for this change. Let's examine each answer choice mentioned.

A. Because Huerta persuaded lawmakers to allow farmworkers to form unions.
This option suggests that Huerta's efforts to ensure farmworkers could form unions led to fair treatment. However, the question specifically focuses on grape companies, so this answer does not directly address the topic at hand.

B. Because Huerta showed companies the dreadful working conditions in the fields.
This answer highlights the idea that Huerta played a role in exposing the poor working conditions to grape companies. It suggests that the companies agreed to treat workers more fairly after becoming aware of the harsh conditions. Let's keep this as a potential answer.

C. Because Huerta and the NFWA launched a nationwide grape boycott.
This option suggests that a nationwide boycott organized by Huerta and the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) played a role in compelling grape companies to treat farmworkers more fairly. While this may have influenced the companies' decisions, it does not directly explain their agreement to fair treatment.

D. Because Huerta and Chavez asked Latinx workers to stop picking grapes.
This answer choice states that Huerta and Chavez requesting Latinx workers to stop picking grapes led to improved treatment by grape companies. While this could be a tactic, it does not explain why the companies agreed to treat farmworkers more fairly.

Based on the given answer choices, option B is the most plausible explanation. However, it is important to note that a more comprehensive understanding of the article may still be necessary to give a fully accurate answer.