Brian ran a 5kjlometer race in 40 minutes how far did he run in 18 minutes writeyou5 answer ad a decimal and Do NOT round

Brian ran at a speed of approximately 8.33333 kilometers per minute.

To find out how far Brian ran in 18 minutes, we can set up a proportion using the information given:

Distance run in 40 minutes / Time taken of 40 minutes = Distance run in 18 minutes / Time taken of 18 minutes

Let's denote the distance run in 40 minutes as x.

x / 40 = Distance run in 18 minutes / 18

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 18:

x = (Distance run in 18 minutes / 18) * 40


x = (Distance run in 18 minutes * 40) / 18

Since we are asked to write the answer to five decimal places without rounding, we can leave it in this form as:

x = (Distance run in 18 minutes * 40) / 18

To find out how far Brian ran in 18 minutes, we can create a proportion using the given information.

We know that Brian ran 5 kilometers in 40 minutes. So, we can set up the following proportion:

5 km / 40 min = x km / 18 min

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

40 min * x km = 5 km * 18 min

40x = 90 km * min

To find the value of x, we divide both sides of the equation by 40:

x = 90 km * min / 40

Now, we need to simplify the units. Kilometers cancel out with kilometers, and we can express minutes as 1/60 of an hour:

x = (90/40) km * h

Simplifying further:

x = 2.25 km * h

Therefore, Brian ran 2.25 kilometers in 18 minutes.