
Brian ran a 5-kilometer race in 40 minutes. How far did he run in 18 minutes? Write your answer as a decimal and do not round.

To find out how far Brian ran in 18 minutes, we can set up a proportion based on the information given.

We know that Brian ran 5 kilometers in 40 minutes. Let's set up the proportion with the distance on the left side and the time on the right side:

5 kilometers / 40 minutes = x kilometers / 18 minutes

To find x, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

40x = 5 * 18
40x = 90
x = 90 / 40
x = 2.25

Therefore, Brian ran 2.25 kilometers in 18 minutes.

To find out how far Brian ran in 18 minutes, we can set up a proportion using the time and distance.

Distance 1 / Time 1 = Distance 2 / Time 2

We know that Brian ran 5 kilometers in 40 minutes, so we can set up the proportion like this:

5 km / 40 min = Distance 2 / 18 min

To solve for Distance 2, we can cross multiply:

40 min * Distance 2 = 5 km * 18 min

Now, we can simplify and solve the equation:

40 * Distance 2 = 90 km * min

To isolate Distance 2, we need to divide both sides of the equation by 40:

(Distance 2 * 40) / 40 = (90 km * min) / 40

This simplifies to:

Distance 2 = 90 km * min / 40

Since we're looking for the distance in decimal form, we can divide:

Distance 2 = 2.25 km

Therefore, Brian ran approximately 2.25 kilometers in 18 minutes.

To find out how far Brian ran in 18 minutes, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

Since Brian ran 5 kilometers in 40 minutes, we can write the proportion:

5 km / 40 min = x km / 18 min

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

40 min * x km = 5 km * 18 min

40x = 90

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 40:

x = 90 / 40

Simplifying the fraction, we get:

x = 2.25

Therefore, Brian ran 2.25 kilometers in 18 minutes.