Best friends Olivia and Sylvia both get a weekly allowance. Olivia’s and Sylvia’s allowances are in the ratio 2:3 . If Sylvia gets $21 one week, how much did Olivia get? Use a tape diagram to help organize your thinking.(1 point)

To solve this problem using a tape diagram, we will create two equal-length segments for Olivia and Sylvia, respectively.

Since Sylvia gets $21, we divide it into three equal parts: $21/3 = $7 per part.

Olivia's segment will have two equal parts since it is in the ratio 2:3.

Therefore, Olivia gets 2 * $7 = $<<2*7=14>>14. Answer: \boxed{14}.

To find out how much Olivia got, we need to determine the ratio of Olivia's allowance to Sylvia's allowance.

The given ratio is 2:3. This means that for every 2 parts Olivia gets, Sylvia gets 3 parts.

Since Sylvia received $21, we can think of this amount as representing 3 parts of the ratio.

To find out how much Olivia received, we need to figure out how many parts equal $21.

3 parts = $21

1 part = $21 / 3

1 part = $7

Now that we know 1 part is equal to $7, we can determine how much Olivia received by multiplying her parts by the value of 1 part.

Olivia received 2 parts, so:

2 parts = 2 x $7

2 parts = $14

Therefore, Olivia received $14.

To determine how much Olivia got, we first need to find the value of the ratio between Olivia's and Sylvia's allowances.

Let's represent Olivia's allowance as 2x, where x is a variable.
And Sylvia's allowance as 3x.

Since Sylvia got $21, we can set up the equation 3x = $21.

To find the value of x, we divide $21 by 3:
x = 21 / 3
x = $7

Now that we know the value of x, we can determine Olivia's allowance:
Olivia's allowance = 2x = 2 * $7 = $14

So, Olivia got $14.